chemical brothers on wed! these boys can take you to another dimension.
101 some sort of mobius loop
sneak peek at next summer ooOo. i realise i always say this but this top is my current obsession ever since its existence. it's all sorts of simple but with a simply awesome detail. i was pretty awesomely stunned when i realised that the binding goes around the top in one continuous loop and ends up back where the start is - most complicated sort of faux mobius loop ever? wore this the day of the garage sale and even scored a couple of compliments from some people i really look up to so i was pretty stoked..
this ones in a dusky pink crepe de chine silk from global. i thought it looked lilac in the shop, but, it wasn't.. :( excuse the non-ironing and douchy facials.., howie was being too funny hmmm!
hello singlet top. you think i'm pretty normal...

..but i'm not!

how cool would this be in every single colour and material possible? so cool!
this ones in a dusky pink crepe de chine silk from global. i thought it looked lilac in the shop, but, it wasn't.. :( excuse the non-ironing and douchy facials.., howie was being too funny hmmm!
hello singlet top. you think i'm pretty normal...

..but i'm not!

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photos: howie kang |
how cool would this be in every single colour and material possible? so cool!
100 ruby and madame hawke sale : busy busy bargains and baking
crazy day! arrived at quarter to ten to prepare (sale started at eleven) to find a group of girls already gathered outside in the carpark. wtf?? by five to eleven there were at least one hundred girls and ladies pressed up against the glass doors with their hot lil hands ready to grab. come eleven, the doors opened and they swarmed in like an invasion, filling up the room to full capacity before realising oops there was no room to move now! for the first two hours it was absolute chaos and carnage - i heard a girl say to her mother she had to fight another girl for the garment she was wearing. why would you be proud of that? glad i got my picks beforehand!!
i was lucky me and ash were in our wee entrance corner with our beautifully presented bake sale - on some old wooden racks from the dunedin store. thanks to greer, ash, deena, neha, tez, mel, aimee, michele and i there was quite a delish feast going on! cupcakes, brownies, cakes, ginger crunch, afghans and cookies.
amongst the manic sale, our bake sale and the sausage sizzle managed to raise a super 668.30 for the red cross and christchurch! i am absolutely stoked with this news, as was ash and the ruby girls. i don't even know what else i can say apart from that i am SO thankful to all of those who helped with this on both sides of the fundraising. it's great to know that we can still make a difference here in auckland.
the calm before the storm..
our beautiful stand
doors just open, girls gone wild
ash and i, pretty chuffed and overwhelmed by the looks of things!
some of the black and white goodies i obtained
happy post 100 :)
cool things,
my thoughts,
99 go to the ruby and madame hawke sale this saturday to help raise money for christchurch
i really really appreciate john key's quote in this mornings newspaper "know that your humanity is much more powerful than any act of mother nature".
i am organising a bake sale for this saturday's ruby and madame hawke sale, with 100% of proceeds to go towards christchurch. please please, please come and support - grab some amazing bargains from this summer's ruby and madame hawke stock (trust me there are fantastic finds) as well as samples and materials, and while you're there grab a sausage sizzle and donate a gold coin for some delicious baking. ps. txt me if you read this and want to help out with baking. i am determined to make as much as possible to help the people of christchurch who have suffered these past few days.
i know i speak for millions of people up here when i say how helpless i feel. opening the newspaper these past couple of days and watching the news is the most heart wrenching thing ever. these are the hardest times our country has had to go through and i send so much love to every one of you affected by the earthquake.
also if you can't make it, you can donate to the red cross here, the spca pets emergency earthquake fund here, or if you are a student in christchurch find out about volunteering here. also for a quick and easy way vodafone users text 'Quake' to 333 to make a $3 donation.
cool things,
my thoughts,
98 waiheke sculpture on the gulf
There are a couple of events each year that send Aucklander's flocking. Lantern festival celebrating chinese new year is one of them - however it has now peaked - any more people going and I think Albert park would cave in. Too crowded is gross and unattractive, and while it is fantastic that the event's success be such a great advertisement for the chinese community this was the first year I have actively wanted to get out as soon as I got there. Should they start charging for entry like the did for Mission Bay's jazz festival a couple years ago to keep all the teenyboppers out? Who knows how they would try and control that though. I think maybe moving to the domain or something??
On the other end of the scale is Waiheke's annual Sculpture on the Gulf - an event that has made its name over the past couple of years as a wonderful showcase of New Zealand artistic talent. Me, Howie and Mel went rather last minute finding out the last day was the next day, and ferried over. It is such a lovely feeling to be out in the sun on a beautiful island walking around some pretty exciting and memorable pieces of art. Is this what the farm feels like? If only I could weasel my way into see these works, I would be pretty excited!
97 muso mondays #9

The Strokes' first single off their upcoming album Angles. I will always love them for Julian Casablanca's perfectly lazy tones, Fab's upbeat beats, and the incredibly catchy riffs that define each song. Julian's 2009 solo album Phrazes for the Young is also worth much of your listening time.
96 winter blues
Here are the super stunner Bianca Heels, they are all kinds of amazing and also come in black and this super mysterious deep sea green. I'm actually kinda bummed in the least bummed way possible that I'm away for winter, I love winter dressing! And now I can hardly justify this amazing Ruby coat I've been way too into, and also the stunninggg puffer beneath it, and also I found this photo of Rachel Bilson in a gossip mag at work and I'm just obsessed with her paddington duffel cape coat!

95 day in the life
This is actually going to be a massive massive spiel. So don't read on.. it's more for my memory's sake, like a really good dream that I have to catch before I forget it (because my memory is so shit). I just want to remember today. Shit got insane. I don't think more could have happened if I tried, really hard.. Here is the day today, which goes off on several tangents and inevitably speech will follow my thoughts ie. not very legible.
First off had this 2.5hr interview. Names will remain anonymous. Intense testing and ridiculous all sorts, couldn't finish the maths section of all sections which freaked me out momentarily haha but it went well, like 'should be sweet' well, and I'll hear from them by Monday, was dressed profesh for this interview so was wearing heels, booties without socks as I'm pretty sure I've done many times but for some reason today my feet decided to be huge so ended up with massive blisters after proportionally small distance of walking which really pissed me off.
Got back to my Dad's work, change shoes to my flats, which for some reason I decided to bring a pair of loafer type shindigs which are one size too small for me but I thought they needed a wear (this has importance) it was 11.30am and I was pretty hungry, Bian was around the corner and it was Prime Time so I was like yay, how much do I miss Bian. Walk to Bian, with such anticipation but not too much because man my feet are getting sore by now. Happily having a visual feast at all the sushi which I haven't had in far too long before I select the chosen ones, and hear the friendly Japanese lady say a bright 'hello!' to welcome me as they always do. Glance up to say hi... and who could it be but anonymous lady who we shall call RIKKO!! (side story for those not in the know - Rikko was everybody's fave at Bian Mount Street... she stood out from the rest for reasons I don't know why, Howie thinks he's in love with her but we're all pretty much under her spell. Anyway one day about a year and a half ago she disappeared and we never saw her again. We wondered where she went up until this day, literally) This must be like the most epic discovery all holiday, I found Rikko!!! Had like this 20 min conversation with her in a high pitched voice, she asked how the tall boy was and the other 2 girls who were the same height as me (LOL) and I told her we missed her and would follow her to be regulars at the viaduct branch from now on... (has to happen). Told her Dad worked around the corner and she proceeded to get out his work's order form list and points me to Dad's lunch box of sushi sitting on the bench. Gives me a free miso soup (this is just getting ridiculous, I have been waiting for a discount from Bian from day 1) and I walk back to the car hands full really frustrated that I can't call someone straight away to tell them about how freaking excited I am.
Drive to work, pretty hectic day lots of little running arounds. Eat my Bian really satisfyingly wanting to tell everyone the story but lets face it it's a pretty bizarre and guess you had to be there type story if you didn't know Rikko.. I told one person the story. Then suddenly it just gets crazy, get this call from the place I interviewed at this morning saying they've checked everything and references already and offering you a job, and I'm all like PERFECT (because it was) and they're all like perfect! Call back another company where Howie got me an interview earlier in the week to 'declineeee' and they're all like nooo and whyyy etc pretty much after half an hour get another call from them with another higher offer that is really hard to refuse and I'm just so stressed at work I'm on the phone to Dad while I'm trying to rehem this skirt on the sewing machine trying to figure out my life. By this time my feet are SO SORE I'm running around Ruby in bare feet which is just super not ok, as my feet just can't even handle touching anything without intense burning (wtf is wrong?) and getting cramps in the claustrophobic office trying to suss out 35 massive cartons of shoes (NEWFLASH Bianca Heels are now in store!!) plus I've spent about an hour on the phones already by now it's getting a bit rando, and I'm just half finishing all these jobs before I need to do something else. Call back the first place to 'declineeee' awkwardly even though I've already graciously accepted (hate this kinda shit) get a call back from the other place and confirm there, and well at the end of the day moral of the story is that I am now an assistant manager until I go away, (ph call - you know I haven't ever been in a manager position before right??) in charge of Howie. Ha Ha Ha Hilarious. Don't even think I can top that with anything.
First off had this 2.5hr interview. Names will remain anonymous. Intense testing and ridiculous all sorts, couldn't finish the maths section of all sections which freaked me out momentarily haha but it went well, like 'should be sweet' well, and I'll hear from them by Monday, was dressed profesh for this interview so was wearing heels, booties without socks as I'm pretty sure I've done many times but for some reason today my feet decided to be huge so ended up with massive blisters after proportionally small distance of walking which really pissed me off.
Got back to my Dad's work, change shoes to my flats, which for some reason I decided to bring a pair of loafer type shindigs which are one size too small for me but I thought they needed a wear (this has importance) it was 11.30am and I was pretty hungry, Bian was around the corner and it was Prime Time so I was like yay, how much do I miss Bian. Walk to Bian, with such anticipation but not too much because man my feet are getting sore by now. Happily having a visual feast at all the sushi which I haven't had in far too long before I select the chosen ones, and hear the friendly Japanese lady say a bright 'hello!' to welcome me as they always do. Glance up to say hi... and who could it be but anonymous lady who we shall call RIKKO!! (side story for those not in the know - Rikko was everybody's fave at Bian Mount Street... she stood out from the rest for reasons I don't know why, Howie thinks he's in love with her but we're all pretty much under her spell. Anyway one day about a year and a half ago she disappeared and we never saw her again. We wondered where she went up until this day, literally) This must be like the most epic discovery all holiday, I found Rikko!!! Had like this 20 min conversation with her in a high pitched voice, she asked how the tall boy was and the other 2 girls who were the same height as me (LOL) and I told her we missed her and would follow her to be regulars at the viaduct branch from now on... (has to happen). Told her Dad worked around the corner and she proceeded to get out his work's order form list and points me to Dad's lunch box of sushi sitting on the bench. Gives me a free miso soup (this is just getting ridiculous, I have been waiting for a discount from Bian from day 1) and I walk back to the car hands full really frustrated that I can't call someone straight away to tell them about how freaking excited I am.
Drive to work, pretty hectic day lots of little running arounds. Eat my Bian really satisfyingly wanting to tell everyone the story but lets face it it's a pretty bizarre and guess you had to be there type story if you didn't know Rikko.. I told one person the story. Then suddenly it just gets crazy, get this call from the place I interviewed at this morning saying they've checked everything and references already and offering you a job, and I'm all like PERFECT (because it was) and they're all like perfect! Call back another company where Howie got me an interview earlier in the week to 'declineeee' and they're all like nooo and whyyy etc pretty much after half an hour get another call from them with another higher offer that is really hard to refuse and I'm just so stressed at work I'm on the phone to Dad while I'm trying to rehem this skirt on the sewing machine trying to figure out my life. By this time my feet are SO SORE I'm running around Ruby in bare feet which is just super not ok, as my feet just can't even handle touching anything without intense burning (wtf is wrong?) and getting cramps in the claustrophobic office trying to suss out 35 massive cartons of shoes (NEWFLASH Bianca Heels are now in store!!) plus I've spent about an hour on the phones already by now it's getting a bit rando, and I'm just half finishing all these jobs before I need to do something else. Call back the first place to 'declineeee' awkwardly even though I've already graciously accepted (hate this kinda shit) get a call back from the other place and confirm there, and well at the end of the day moral of the story is that I am now an assistant manager until I go away, (ph call - you know I haven't ever been in a manager position before right??) in charge of Howie. Ha Ha Ha Hilarious. Don't even think I can top that with anything.
94 sydney diary

Guess that 42 degree heat didn't quite hit us! Here are the photo highlights - Mike Posner (lolol wtf never seen such a douche so stoked with life), Chinese Laundry - (everyone is stoked with life), beeauuutiful Coogee Beach and of course seeing and staying with beeautiful Esther! Back to reality!
93 nom chinese new year
4 hungry families nom nom nom. A ridiculous amount of food. I am eating left overs as we speak nom nom nom.

92 singlet for howieee
Global Fabrics on sale is pretty dangerous. So I was in there for about the fourth time with Howie and suddenly got inspired with suede and buckles and strips. Howie's brief was that he just wanted an extra low cut singlet so here is the final product. The side panel is a soft faux suede (a whole different story on the other side) and the main is super comfortable jersey knit.
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