

This duo played after Spring Break (which we sadly missed :( I hear it was EPIC). It was like electro funk pop rock with a synthesized voice.... Pretty amazing. More amazing was the fact that one of them was dressed as a piece of bread and the other wore a leopard print visor with a gas mask looking apparatus tied around his head which warped his voice.


Lawrence Arabia and The Prime Ministers did not let us down with their Greats of New Zealand Cricket tour. They were dressed in their whites, including bucket hats of course. There's something about James Milne which is just so... charming. His mannerisms, his eccentric matter-of-fact jerky movements in and out of song, his say it how it is lines...

The music was probsssss the most highly defined music specific version of dream boat ever. I'm gonna put it out there, but about half way through the night I realised they are NZs version of a modern day Beatles... Their syncopated rhythms which define each song, the massive use of the tambourine (big fan) and other instruments such as sax and trumpet, the BEAUTIFUL harmonies and original lyrics, honestly it is just like, a massive massive dream boat of music.


(plays broken chord of next song)
JM: Does anyone know what this next song is?
Audience: mumble mumble...
JM: Oh ok, well.. Well you guys all lose. And we all win. Until we play this song, and then if you recognise it and like it then I guess you all win too.

(comes back on for encore)
JM: Well this is probably the biggest anticlimax you could have to a set, but we're going to start the encore off with another new song, so I'm very sorry in advance. But then we will go back to familiar territory.

Familiar territory it was; we were treated to the honorable bearded Liam Finn in the encore too.


photos by me

JM: This last song, is, well you guys may think it's stupid, but I suppose it's been a night of anticlimaxes, well no it hasn't, I've actually thoroughly enjoyed it, but you'd be silly not to have a dance to our last song...

And so it was the last song, a cover of Alicia Bridges 'I love the nightlife' (I got to boogie... on the disco 'round... oh yeahhh) and we all had a whopping good time.

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