

Lonely Hearts AW11 has got me crazay over some of the pieces! The photoshoot is absolutely ace, it pulls at my heartstrings. Dempsey Stewart has such an ethereal beauty so suited to the theme, with her vacant stare and pale skin. The colour palette of their new winter collection is spot on - mmm burgundy - those shorts, I can see becoming a staple. Textures of velvet and lace. Need I say more?

Agree or disagree, to me this collection, well, sneak peek, feels like a sort of significant step forward in maturity for Lonely Hearts. Less trendy, and more, I don't really know, mature is the only word I can think of. Not mature in terms of the actual pieces though, just for the brand.

P.s. TRICK OR TREAT! If you haven't heart by now Lonely Hearts x NO Magazine are holding a spooky Halloween party this Saturday, dress up and beware. What are you dressing up as?





photos: edited by myself, from fashiontoastso much to tell you, and Amanda Thomas


  1. ahhh im in love with those shorts (and all the rest). nice steal of fashiontoast :D my sister got funny shots of dempsey when she saw the last fashionweek show cuz they were all pulling faces haha i shall be getting those to you!

  2. Hmm i was disappointed by this collection actually. Those burgundy shorts? I already have a pair almost identical from Lara Parker dating a year back. The overalls have already been done by Mala Brajkovic and Ruby. The wheat pants, by Lover. All in all, I didn't see much that hadn't been done before. Sad coz I love Lonely hearts.

